Make It Amazing

Imagine a world where rent is abolished, mortgage debt is eliminated, and every person owns their home. A world where work is meaningful and limited to two days per week, and health, education, and freedom are guaranteed for all. This is what is possible when we work together. It won't happen overnight, and there will be pain and discomfort, but if we persevered for 3-5 years, we could really start to turn around not only our world, but ourselves. We can all become stronger, better, more capable, wonderful humans, but only if we all stick together. No human left behind. All humans included. Including those you may hate, including yourself, as some, if not many, if not most, do hate themselves. Do you hate others? Then 100% you hate yourself, too. And all hating needs to stop, and that comes from all of us having the courage and the strength to face the truth, grow from the truth, repeat the best of our truth, and move forward together into one unified, global community rooted in mutual respect for all minds, no matter the age or capability, and a respect for the self, family, community, and world.

Discover how the World Amazing Plan can turn this vision into reality.
